Saturday, April 29, 2023

Hot Dogs, Beans, and Macaroni

Today's NaPoWriMo prompt is as follows: write a "two-part poem that focuses on a food or type of meal. At some point in the poem, describe the food or meal as if it were a specific kind of person. Give the food/meal at least one line of spoken dialogue." At first glance, I felt this was a very challenging prompt, but I decided to give it a try. I chose to write about a meal my mom used to make called hot dogs, beans, and macaroni. She'd boil the macaroni noodles, boil the hot dogs and then slice them up, and heat up the baked beans. Then she would mix them all together in one pot. I still love this meal even as an adult, and I introduced it to my children who love it as well. 

Hot Dogs, Beans, and Macaroni
By Candace Shultz


Hot dogs, beans, and macaroni:
Some people would say they
Are better eaten alone, individually,
Hot dogs with their buns,
Baked beans on the side,
Macaroni with its cheese.
But one day, it's like they said,
Hey, let's mix it up and party!
Hot dogs ditched their bread.
Macaroni left the cheese behind.
And baked beans just dived right in.
The beans always do just go with the flow.
They coat everything with their sauciness.


Hot dogs, beans, and macaroni.
They are a resilient mix.
They are like a poor man
Making the best of a hard situation.
Many people don't like it
When these foods mingle together.
Some won't even try it,
The idea too unfathomable.
But for others, they carry fond memories
Of eating dinner with their mom and siblings.
They carry on the tradition
With their own children
To the consternation of their spouses
With more refined tastes.
But when they ask their children
What they want for dinner, they say,
Hot dogs, beans, and macaroni!

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