Monday, April 8, 2024

The Scars We Carry

My poem for today centers around the emotional scars a woman carries from her past relationship with a man she once knew. It sort of follows the NaPoWriMo prompt to write a poem about a relationship between two people who shouldn't have ever met.

The Scars We Carry
By Candace Shultz

Darkness slithered in
through the cracks
of his words:
Too shallow.
Not good enough.
And she let it.

She let the bits of black
sully her soul,
defile her worth,
poison her mind
until nothing was left
but self doubt and derision.

His words are thorns
embedded into her skin.
They make her bleed
even now, many years
since they parted ways.
She carries scars unseen
and unwanted.

And she wonders,
would her spirit
have sunk so low,
would her mind
have been so marred,
if she had never met him
all those years ago?

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