Monday, April 1, 2024

By God's Grace

Today is the first day of NaPoWriMo 2024! Like previous years, I am following along with Sometimes I will follow their prompts, and other days I will write whatever inspires me. Today, their prompt is to write a poem that includes the plot of a book I liked and have not read in a while, but I cannot look through the book for help in remembering. I chose the book The Land of Far-Beyond by Enid Blyton. I technically read this book only a couple months ago, but time is relative, right?


By God's Grace
By Candace Shultz

There was a burden I carried that no one could see

Until a well-meaning person pointed it out to me.

It was huge and heavy and hard to bear

Even though I was the one who put it there.

My eyes were opened where once I was blind,

And my sins weighed me down with no peace of mind.


Then that same kind person told me of a place

Where I could lay down my burden that I now faced.

A path I should follow on this journey I had to take

To ease my sorrow, my sin, my suffering, my ache.


I followed the path as best as I could,

But I strayed sometimes because of choices no good.

I met Fear and Anger, Confusion and Greed,

Just a few of the ones who led me to need

The help of others who interceded on my behalf,

Their kindness and love setting me on the right path.


After a long time and many wrong turns,

I finally reached the place where I would learn

I could let go of my burden because of God's grace.

Jesus was there with His shining face.

He took my burden from me and made it His own.

His love ensured me that I'd never be alone.

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