Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Moms Are Superheroes

For today's poem, I followed the NaPoWriMo prompt to write about or include a superhero in my poem. I considered writing about Batman or another well-known fictional superhero, but I decided to write about an every day hero who doesn't always get the recognition she deserves. Moms work hard every day to take care of their children and families, whether or not they are stay-at-home moms or moms that have a career outside of the home. Oftentimes, they make sacrifices to ensure their children have everything they need, whether it be physical, emotional, social, or mental. Moms are superheroes. Dads are too, but this poem is about moms. My poem definitely doesn't include everything that moms do for their children, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless.

Moms Are Superheroes
By Candace Shultz

Do you know a superhero?
I bet that you do.
If you can't think of one,
I'll give you a clue.
When you are hungry,
She cooks you a meal.
When you've had a bad day,
She'll ask you how you feel.
When your clothes are dirty,
She makes sure they are clean.
She guides you towards the right path
And corrects you if you're mean.
She helps you when you need her.
She showers you with love.
And when you are not with her
She sends prayers to God above.
She never stops worrying.
She wishes for you the best.
She'd protect you with her very life
Until her dying breath.
She doesn't really need a cape.
It would just get in her way.
Your mom is a superhero
Each and every day.

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