Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Ode to My Pillow

Today my poem is an ode to my pillow that I got rid of several years ago after it became too flat. I have yet to find a new pillow just as good. This poem follows the NaPoWriMo prompt to write an ode to an everyday object.

Ode to My Pillow
By Candace Shultz

Oh, how I miss you.
I miss the way
you cradled my head
in your lap,
bringing comfort
after a long hard day.
I miss how
I could relax
in your embrace
and fall asleep
knowing you'd
be there
when I awoke.
I was free
from pain,
no headaches
to endure.
I was well rested,
the day
I left you behind,
trading you
for another
and another
and another
because they just
couldn't compare
to your perfection.

Oh, why did I ever
let you go?
I regret leaving
you behind.
I'll forever
be looking back
at those warm
cozy nights
and blissful
I'm sorry,
my lost love.
I didn't know
your worth
until it was
too late.


  1. You are right. Nothing like a favorite pillow. I still have the feather pillow I had as a little girl!!

    1. That must be an amazing pillow. I sadly don't have my old pillow anymore. I'm just looking for one that feels just as good as that one. All the ones I've tried since just seem too flat or too hard or too soft. I'm starting to feel like Goldilocks.

  2. There is, however, much to be said for a cup that keeps ice intact all night long! My candidate...

  3. That sounds like a good cup to keep. :)
