Tuesday, April 5, 2016

January Blues

For Day 4 of NaPoWrimo, I followed the prompt to write a poem about what I think is the cruelest month and why.

January Blues

It's after Christmas, and the New Year has settled in.
The days are short. The nights are long.
The cold seeps into my bones.
I shiver. I shake. My muscles ache.
And my heart isn't far behind.
I feel lonely and trapped inside these walls,
Too cold to want to go outside,
Too tired to try to socialize,
Too sad to make an effort.
There's no sun to give me warmth.
It's trapped behind the clouds.
The snow doesn't fall here often,
So I miss building snowmen
And snowball fights and sled riding.
I'm a loner in the winter months,
Preferring to stay inside under heavy blankets
Rather than taking walks with friends
Even though being alone makes me sad.
January is a cruel month.

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