Friday, December 23, 2011

Chloe's Christmas Wish - Advent Calendar (Day 23)

She glances around the room quickly, but when she doesn't see John or Megan, she walks quietly to the box and peers over the edge. Inside the box lies a tiny gray and white kitten with a big red bow around her neck. Chloe stretches her neck and sniffs the kitten's head. The kitten startles and jerks her head up, staring up at Chloe with huge brown eyes. Chloe stares at the kitten for a few more seconds, then licks her nose. The kitten then meows and begins to purr.

“So you found your Christmas present already!” Megan walks into the room and scoops the kitten out of the box. She then picks up Chloe and takes both cats to the living room where John sits on the couch with a present wrapped in silver paper on his lap. Megan places them on the ground next to two stockings filled with toys and cat treats. Now Chloe understands why there's an extra stocking.

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